Author Archives: lewis

Clutch replacement

Toyota Corolla / Geo Prizm

Clutch went out last week. Decided to replace it myself instead of paying a mechanic, since I have a few days off from work.

Started with the trusty Chilton manual: (click on any picture for full-size image). It has the 4A-GE engine.


Removed the hood, removed the battery, and removed the air cleaner box and intake tubes.


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Car window gets schooled!

The window is OUT!

The window is OUT!
(not actual photo)

I was at dinner with co-workers the other night, and one of them mentioned she had a “What the crap?” moment earlier in the day. She was driving down the street, and a car was ready to pull out of a parking lot into the street, but a last instant slams on brakes. Angry guy jumps out and proceeds to kick out his own window! Shamed woman shrinks lower in passenger seat. Angry man finishes it off, picks up the pieces, throws them in his trunk and drives off. Stunned coworker recovers composure and drives on to work. The end.





Must Not Sacrifice Liberty for Security

“For each new law enacted, 10 other laws must be repealed.” – Lewis V. Hall

I cringe whenever I hear about any new legislation, since I feel I have lost a little more of my liberty. It is my opinion that any legislation spawned by horrible tragedy most often results in poor public policy in the long term. Remember, “Liberty once lost is lost forever” – John Adams


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Mike Simpson responds!

I sent letter to Mike Simpson a few weeks ago.

Today I got a reply:

Congressman Mike Simpson
RSS feedTwitter linkYoutube linkFacebook link
December 19, 2012
Dear Lewis:
Thank you for contacting me regarding efforts to extend existing tax rates for individuals under a certain income level while allowing rates to go up on January 1, 2012, as currently scheduled for those who make more than a certain level. I appreciate hearing from you and having the opportunity to respond.

“Fiscal Cliff” political maneuvering?

Text of letter sent to Rep. Mike Simpson on Dec 5, 2012.

(Represents Idaho’s 2nd congressional district)

Mike Simpson

Dear Mr. Simpson,

News sources today report your statement as: ““I wouldn’t have a problem with letting those tax rates go up,” provided they are coupled with spending cuts, Representative Mike Simpson said.”

Please reconsider. You represent one of the most fiscally conservative districts in the nation. You Continue reading

York Furnace – pressure switch stuck open fault condition

It got down to 15° F last night. Woke up this morning and it was COLD in our house.   :sad: Checked the furnace and it kept cycling, flames would light and then soon shut off, so I looked through the little window and observed the status LED. I was blinking red 3 times repeated. I had to look up inside the window, as the status LED is actually way up on the top of the circuit board. Why in the world wouldn’t York put the observation window in front of the status LED?)


My Furnace – click on picture for bigger view with labels

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Practice these 20 Words for Awesome Chinese Tones

From lingomi:

If you’re like most Chinese learners, you probably make tone mistakes now and again. I know I’ve made plenty. Sadly, most Chinese textbooks don’t have a section on how to get better tones (kind of odd, if you think about it). Once, when I was preparing for a televised debate in Chinese (a story for another day), a teacher mentioned I was having issues with my 4th tone. Then she told me the 20 words I needed to practice to dramatically improve my tones. That’s right, you can get better tones by spending 5 minutes a day practicing 20 words. Continue reading